Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Thandi Masala Chai

Thandi Masala Chai 

As you all know my choice of dishes is very much inspired by my family and my daughter. I am always enthused to see them enjoying variety at home which normally is available in big eateries.

Nowadays my daughter is crazy about "Chaayos". She loves to hang out there enjoying Thandi Chai. Mother is blogger and daughter always talking big about outside eating outlets ...... it was surely pinching me somewhere.

So I thought of serving her favourite "Thandi Masala Chai" at home which she normally enjoys at Chaayos.

Today when she returned home from school, she said momma it is too hot and I need something very cold. I said ok let me serve you your favourite Thandi Masala chai. She said oh no.... I can't go to Chaayos . I am damm tired, just back from gruelling hours of studies.

You better serve something at home but it should be cold... Kuch thanda bana do please ..... I said when did I ask you to go out. I prepared it at home .

She liked it a lot. She is happy and said momma brought Chaayos at home. So if any chai lover wants to try this do try and share your inputs.

Preparation Time :  10 Min

Cooking Time  :  3 - 5 min

Serves  :  2

Ingredients  :  

  • Water 1/2 Cup
  • Milk 11/2 Cup
  • Sugar 1 Table spoon (or according to your taste)
  • Tea 2 Teaspoon
  • 2 Tea spoon Chai Masala any available in market 
  • Ice Cubes

Procedure :  
  • Lets first prepare Tea concentrate. In a pan take 1/2 cup of water. Heat it once water starts boiling turn off the gas, add sugar, tea and 11/2 tea spoon of chai masala. Leave it in a pan for 10 minutes.

  • Strain it in a glass or jar

  • In a Mixer jar add Milk, Tea concentrate and ice cubes. Shake in well 

  • Now pour it in a serving glass and sprinkle some chai Masala on it 

  • Enjoy your Thandi Masala Chai in summers 

Tips :   
  • For Chai masala if you want to prepare at home (take 20 green cardamom, 3 to 4 cinnamon stick, 1 tablespoon saunf, 1 teaspoon ginger powder, 1/2 tablespoon pepper corn, 8 to 10 cloves and  1/2 tea spoon nutmeg powder grind all this in a grinder till you get a fine powder). Keep it in a airtight jar and use it according to your requirement 
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